1/198 Belmore Road Riverwood NSW 2210

"Compassion and expertise are the foundations of quality healthcare".

That's Caritas in a nutshell...THE SPIRIT OF CARING"

Get in touch with us:
Shop 1, 198 Belmore Road South 
Riverwood NSW 2210 (Opposite Riverwood Plaza entrance)
Tel : (02) 9153 5363         
Fax: (02) 9153 8763
Email: admin@caritasmedicalcentre.com.au
For urgent medical needs and minor injuries, Sydney Medical Service’s After Hours Doctor Service 1300 HOME GP (87246300) is available from 6pm onwards on weekdays, from 12pm on Saturdays and 24hrs on Sundays and Public Holidays. This service is fully bulk billed for patients with a valid Medicare card. In case of a life-threatening illness call the ambulance service on 000.

We now have an onsite PATHOLOGY COLLECTION Service




Monday - Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm

Blood Test and other services including ECG, Holter, ABPM, GDS, GTT, NIPT, NPS, TB Quant