1/198 Belmore Road Riverwood NSW 2210

"Compassion and expertise are the foundations of quality healthcare".

That's Caritas in a nutshell...THE SPIRIT OF CARING"

Caritas Medical Centre is a MIXED BILLING practice.

GP Registrars at our practice BULK BILL ALL medicare card holders. NO out-of-pocket cost. Private fee applies to non-medicare patients.

For Dr Tarun Chauhan there is a time-based PRIVATE FEE for:

  • non-concession card holders 16 years old and over
  • new patients (including pensioners, new-born babies, children and for existing patients consulting him for the first time)
  • patients without a medicare card or if your medicare card is expired, lost or stolen and you are waiting for a new medicare card.
  • patients who have not seen him in more than 2 years
  • implanon (removal and insertion) will be privately charged for all

If you have any questions regarding our fees policy (above) please reach out to our friendly staff.

If you have a bank account linked to your Medicare, we can process your Medicare rebate on the spot. You can check or link your bank account by calling Medicare on 132 011, by visiting a Medicare service centre or via your Medicare online account.

Consultation TimeUpfront FeeMedicare RebateOut-of-pocket cost
Face-to-Face / Telehealth Consult
upto 5 mins
Face-to-Face / Telehealth Consult
6 – 19 mins
Face-to-Face Consult
20 – 39 mins
Telehealth Consult
20 – 39 mins (registered with MyMedicare)
Telehealth Consult
20 – 39 mins (NOT registered with MyMedicare)
Face-to-Face Consult
40 – 59 mins
Face-to-Face Consult
60 mins +
Mental Health Treatment Plan
20 – 39 mins
Mental Health Treatment Plan
More than 40 mins
Mental Health Treatment Plan Review$110$81.70$28.30
Pregnancy Test$15$8.65$6.35
Implanon Insertion$140$77.35$62.65
Implanon Removal$160$101.70$58.30
Implanon Removal and Insertion$230$136.20$93.80
Suturing: (Repair of wound superficial < 7cm)$140$77.35$62.65
Employment Medical
Less than 20mins
Employment Medical
20 – 40 mins
Employment Medical
More than 40mins
ECG for Employmemt Medicals$75$0.00$75

Employment medicals, superannuation paperwork, family court paperwork, workers compensation and CTP claims are NOT covered by Medicare. Suturing and Implanon insertion and removal are partially covered by medicare for eligible patients. Please speak with our staff for further information.

We understand that sometimes appointments need to be rescheduled, but please be aware that no-shows and cancellations within 24 hours of the appointment will incur a non-attendance fee of $45 ($70 for new patients), to support fair access to care.

Workers compensation provides protection to workers and their employers in the event of a work related injury or condition. When a worker is injured at work, the employer, injured worker, insurer and treatment provider have responsibilities to ensure that the injured worker is provided with benefits and assistance to recover and make a safe and durable return to work.

If you have a work related injury, please inform the staff when you come in, so they can advise the appropriate fee etc.

 If it is an ongoing injury & claim number & insurance details have been provided, the invoice will be sent directly to the insurance company for payment. The patient will not be required to pay anything in this case.

As work injury related claims are complex and have many patient obligations we are more than happy to discuss your particular circumstances and how we may be of assistance to you. Feel free to discuss with our experienced staff.
EMPLOYMENT MEDICALS are done at Caritas Medical Centre.
These include: 
  • Pre Employment Medical Examination form
  • RTA – Public Passenger Vehicle Driver form
  • Ministry of Transport – Patient Questionnaire / Clinical Examination Proforma
  • Ministry of Transport -Medical Assessment Certificate (Public Passenger Vehicle Driver)
Please inform the staff when you come in, so appropriate advice can be given.
There is an UPFRONT FEE for this service.
The fee is time based. Call 9153 5363 to be informed of the fee structure for the above service.
We offer home visits for our regular patients, provided they reside NOT MORE than 3kms from our practice. The fee for the home visit consultation is as below:  
Fee per Patient
Duration                           Fee               Medicare Rebate          Out of Pocket cost
Up to 20mins                  $250            $63.95                             $186.95
20-40mins                       $300            $99.15                             $200.85
More than 40 mins        $350             $133.50                          $216.50

Compulsory Third Party  (CTP) Claims

For CTP Claims arising as a result of a motor vehicle accident incur  cash fee for the MVA Certificate. The patient can claim this fee from the insurance company. Please bring insurance details if available for consultations related to this. 

Repair / Suturing / Stitching of a Superficial Wound

Repair / Suturing / Stitching of a Superficial Wound (less than 7 cm) will incur an UPFRONT FEE . Part of this fee can be claimed back from Medicare upon presentation of a valid Medicare card. Aged Pensioners will be Bulk Billed. Please check the fee with our friendly staff.

We now have an onsite PATHOLOGY COLLECTION Service




Monday - Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm

Blood Test and other services including ECG, Holter, ABPM, GDS, GTT, NIPT, NPS, TB Quant